Souper Bowl Thank You!
Thanks so much for your generosity in supporting the Sr. High Youth in their mission to gather cans of soup and donations for the Harvest Table during the Souper Bowl of Caring. Over 350 food items and $1265 were collected! Your commitment to help “Tackle Hunger” in Brookings is awesome!
Church Office Closed
The church office will be closed Monday, Feb 17th in observance of President’s Day.
Reminder- Pastor Jen's Public Office Hours!
"Public Office Hours" Thank you to those who have stopped into Kool Beans on Thursdays from 1-3pm! I've enjoyed connecting with you and look forward to meeting more of our church family! Public office hours means I will be working in a public space and would welcome the break from 'working'!
Music Ministry
Did you know that you do NOT have to be musically inclined to assist in Music Ministry?! That’s right!
We are looking for some sewists who may assist with replacing zippers in choir robes, repair dust covers, and finish hems/stitching for altar/tablecloths.
If you can’t carry a tune in a bucket, but can thread a needle in your sleep – we are looking for you in Music Ministry! Please contact [email protected]. or call the church office at 605-692-4345.
We are looking for some sewists who may assist with replacing zippers in choir robes, repair dust covers, and finish hems/stitching for altar/tablecloths.
If you can’t carry a tune in a bucket, but can thread a needle in your sleep – we are looking for you in Music Ministry! Please contact [email protected]. or call the church office at 605-692-4345.
Manna Study
Vanishing Grace continues tonight at 7pm in the Conference Room. In Vanishing Grace, Philip Yancey shows the desperate need our world has for grace, and how Christians can truly make the gospel good news again. Feel free to join us in the conference room in the Education wing.
February #onething
Celebrate Human Relations Day all through February!
This special offering is about fostering better relationships and supporting community outreach. Your contributions help bring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of a "beloved community" to life. Your gift will support important programs like Community Developers, United Methodist Voluntary Services, and Youth Offender Rehabilitation. A portion of these gifts helps fund your conference programs.
This special offering is about fostering better relationships and supporting community outreach. Your contributions help bring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of a "beloved community" to life. Your gift will support important programs like Community Developers, United Methodist Voluntary Services, and Youth Offender Rehabilitation. A portion of these gifts helps fund your conference programs.
First On Campus
1st on Campus meets after church at 11:15am on Sundays. They meet upstairs above the church office—look for the banner at the bottom of the stairs by the church office. All college students are invited!
Jubilee Bells
The adult bell group is looking for more members. If you can read music and want to be part of a fun group—it meets Tuesday evenings at 5:30pm -6:30 pm starting on January 21st. High school and college students are welcome! Contact Brenda Hieb at or the church office.
Prayer Chain
Have Faith in God—Ask in Jesus’s Name—Pray with Great Desire
Contact Betty Ruth Mennis or the church office to activate the First United Methodist Church prayer chain. We pray to thank Him, rejoice with Him, bring our pain, sorry needs and sorrow to Him—He cares so we join together in prayer.
Contact Betty Ruth Mennis or the church office to activate the First United Methodist Church prayer chain. We pray to thank Him, rejoice with Him, bring our pain, sorry needs and sorrow to Him—He cares so we join together in prayer.
Online Giving
Vanco Payment Solutions offers a giving app for your donation using your Apple or Android device called “Vanco Mobile”. Once you have the app downloaded, in the Search bar type “Brookings” and then select FUMC. Please contact our Finance Office if you have any questions (605-692-4345 or [email protected]).
Radio Broadcast Sponsorship
The 2025 Radio Broadcasts sign-up sheets are at all the Welcome Centers. The cost to sponsor each Sunday date is $60 and it airs on KBRK 1430 on every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. We have many listeners that let us know how wonderful this service is that FUMC provides for them. There are many ways to sponsor a Sunday, sign-up sheets, email at [email protected], call the church office at 605-692-4345. Please make checks payable to FUMC and designate on the memo line that is it for Radio Broadcast. Thank you!
Connect With Us!
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-12:00 pm
Need prayer? Email [email protected] and our pastor will pray with you. We can also add you to our Prayer Chain.
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-12:00 pm
Need prayer? Email [email protected] and our pastor will pray with you. We can also add you to our Prayer Chain.
Church Staff
Lead Pastor - Jen Osterloh
Education Director - Gretchen Knutson
Community Life Center Director - Vonda Kirkham
Office Manager - Lynelle Hagedorn
Finance Coordinator - Linda Kay Hai
Worship Tech/Media Director, Facility Manager - Sam Becker
Tech Coordinator - Paul Schmidt
Music Coordinator - Bunny Christie
Worship Coordinator - Maria Schlueter
Choir Director - Shawn Stemsrud
Congregational Care Coordinator - Joanie Holm
Organists - Joan Riessen & MK Hugghins
Manna Cook - Katie Knutson
Choir Accompanist - Thomas Tvedt
Education Director - Gretchen Knutson
Community Life Center Director - Vonda Kirkham
Office Manager - Lynelle Hagedorn
Finance Coordinator - Linda Kay Hai
Worship Tech/Media Director, Facility Manager - Sam Becker
Tech Coordinator - Paul Schmidt
Music Coordinator - Bunny Christie
Worship Coordinator - Maria Schlueter
Choir Director - Shawn Stemsrud
Congregational Care Coordinator - Joanie Holm
Organists - Joan Riessen & MK Hugghins
Manna Cook - Katie Knutson
Choir Accompanist - Thomas Tvedt