Health Ministries
Your health and well-being is an important part of staying healthy spiritually. We have an active Health Ministry Team, facilitated by our Faith Community Nurse, Joanie Holm, which meets the first Monday of the month at 5:30p.m. Joanie oversees a number of care ministries and support groups to serve our church and wider community. Contact Joanie at [email protected] (unless noted otherwise) if you are interested or have questions.
Brookings Dementia Caregiver Support Group
This group meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 10:00-11:00 a.m. at the church. |
Visitation Ministry
Volunteers meet and plan activities regularly with church members who are not in the nursing home but may need some extra care or attention during times of physical challenges or grief. |
Stroke Support Group
This group, created for stroke survivors and their caregivers, is meant to provide support and encouragement through the often long recovery and healing process. (Currently seeking members to continue. Please contact Joanie if interested and to see if the group is meeting.) |